Administration and Human resource: Responsible for Training, development and support of delegates, providing information and offering guidance throughout the application process and during the program.
Project coordination & Events Division: Planning and implementation of projects and event that will help achieve organisational and global goals oversee by the Vice President.
Governance Division: Ensuring legal compliance, drafting guidelines and terms of sponsorship with donors. Analysing relationships with current and prospective funders and partners such as universities/schools and developing individualised strategies to promote and strengthen those relationships. To be overseen by the Head of Governance (Secretary).
Marketing & Public Relations: Communicating organisational aim to increase accessibility and recognition of the organisation, creating interest by showcasing opportunities for people to take part in and attracting potential funders to collaborate with.
Finance and Accounts Division:Budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies and allocation of resources towards accomplishment of mission. Ensuring policies and procedures for financial transactions are well-documented. Set financial goals and corresponded funding strategies.
Leading Roles in UN Youth Seychelles
Every 2 years the members vote candidates into the leading roles below. The positions make up the Board of UN Youth Seychelles. The next election will be held in 2023.
The President shall -
Preside over all meetings of the Association; Focusing on core organisational functions, including strategy, finance, board management, fundraising and program delivery to enable achievement of long-term vision.
Formulate and execute comprehensive marketing, branding and development strategies.
Submit a report on the working of the Association for the preceding accounting period, together with a statement of accounts drawn up and signed by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
Ensuring fiscal, operations, fundraising, marketing, human resource and programmatic strategies are effectively implemented across all segments.
Review and understand the organisation’s articles of incorporation and by-laws, policies and procedures, financial and legal situation, and strategic plan.
Act as a spokesperson to the larger community.
Oversee the financial status of the organisation including developing long and short range financial plans, monitoring the budget and ensuring sound financial controls are in place.
Facilitate cross-departmental collaboration.
Carry out any other related duties that promote the objects of the Association.
Copy of your CV;
Profile (100-500 words)
Fill out the Application form;
Create 1-3 min Video outlining the following: Introduce yourself and your goals, Why do you want to apply to be the President of UNYS, What is your vision and strategy for UNYS;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
Vice President
The Vice President shall –
Oversee and supervise Project and events Division ensure task are properly delegated and accounted for. Communicate to the board about strategies and progress of the relevant divisions and projects.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over any meeting.
In the absence of the President and the Vice-President at a meeting, any committee member chosen from among and by the committee members present at a meeting shall preside over the meeting
The Vice-President shall, in the absence of a President, exercise the same powers and rights, and assume the same responsibilities as those of the President.
Planning developing and enforcing policies and objective of the organisation to ensure it maintains its values and meets established goals.
Primary facilitator of organisation’s decisions, overseeing all committees and involvement in strategic planning to ensure activities are in accordance with the organisation’s mission.
Liaison between the president and specific Heads of Departments.
Matching of long-term goals of organisation with department resources, devising and monitoring appropriate achievement milestones.
Creating public awareness initiatives and ensuring the organisation’s visibility to the community and those interested in assisting the cause.
Evaluating departmental performance and offering support and coordination for all committees and departments.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
The Treasurer shall –
General financial oversight including financial planning and overseeing of preparation of budgets (including balance sheet, cash flow and reports on fundraising performance). In conjunction with the President, or the Secretary sign all cheques, deeds and other documents of the Association.
Arranging appropriate funding and assessing financial implications of proposals
Determining financial strategy and policy and outlining current financial status
Ensuring proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place
Engaging in effective communication with current and potential sponsors
have the custody of all the accounting books and records of the Association;
receive all sums of money due or accruing to the Association and deliver receipts thereof
be allowed to keep in its possession a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Rupees, as cash in hand for petty expenses;
lay before the Managing Committee quarterly: a statement showing the financial transactions of the last three months; a list of all members has not paid his annual membership subscription within three months or more.
prepare the statement of accounts;
produce its books and related documents for examination whenever required by the President.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
Country Representative
The Country Representative –
Create and maintain diplomatic relationship with international partners.
Develop and maintain Board of advisors relationship.
Seek international opportunities for youth.
Research about international best practices for youth participation in international events.
Lobby the government for implementations of youth programs and Sustainable development projects.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
Head of Governance
The Head of Governance shall –
Be the Corporate Secretary of the organisation
Ensure the integrity of the governance framework
Ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements
Be responsible for the efficient administration of the organisation
Convene all meetings of the Managing Committee, general meetings and any other meetings of the Association
Attending and taking minutes of directors’ and members’ meetings, keeping up-to-date records of matters discussed
Facilitate board communications and discussions with other members
Draw up the minutes of proceedings of meetings which shall, after confirmation at the first ensuing Managing Committee or general meeting, as the case may be, be countersigned by the President;
Facilitate board communications and discussions with other members.
Keep a ‘Register of Members’ in which shall be recorded, in respect of each member – the surname and other names; the address; the date of admission; the date of birth; the contact number; the email address; and such other particulars as the Managing Committee may require.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
Head of Admin & HR
Oversee and supervise HR & Admin and ensure task are properly delegated and accounted for.
Communicate to the Board about strategies and progress of the division and member development.
Responsible for Member Training, Development and support for delegates, providing information and offering guidance throughout the application process and during the program.
Responsible for Peer to Peer session and member application process.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300
Head of Marketing & PR
Oversee and supervise Marketing and Public Relation Division as well as Product Development and ensure task are properly delegated and accounted for.
Communicate to the board about strategies and progress of the relevant divisions.
Oversees Website and social media accounts and ensure proper communication plans are organised and undertaken.
Communicating organisational aim to increase accessibility and recognition of the organisation, creating interest by showcasing opportunities for people to take part in and attracting potential funders to collaborate with.
Design and develop products aimed to raise fund and awareness supporting the main objective of the organisation. Monitor and maintain the brand of these products.
Profile 100- 500 words;
Fill out the Application form;
Applicant must be between 18 -35 years old and
Agree to pay annual membership fee of SCR300